Outdoor Showers, Bathe Alfresco in Marbella

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Serene, refreshing and open to the elements, exterior showers make perfect sense to savvy homeowners on the Costa del Sol.

There are few pleasures more fulfilling than standing in your outdoor shower early on a summer’s morning, listening to the song of a chiffchaff or even watching a little gecko scurry across the tiles.


Whether you have a swimming pool or not, showering alfresco is something special:

  • You feel one with nature as the water cascades over your body and you gaze out at the view.
  • The sound of splashing water evokes waterfalls and gurgling streams – exchange the drone of the fan for birdsong.
  • The smell is less manufactured cosmetics – more natural, organic freshness.
  • The fresh air reminds your senses that you are alive.

At day’s end, a cooling ablution by the light of the moon is an experience to expand the soul.” Tom Ross

Practical Benefits

And let’s not forget the practical boxes an outdoor shower ticks:

  • If you have a pool, they make a great place to rinse off and change
  • Clean up the family after a trip to the beach BEFORE they take off their shoes in the house
  • A convenient place to clean the dog with more ease
  • The steam floats off into the blue and not onto your mirrors
  • It adds another bathing option when visitors descend on you

Let ProMas Building worry about the practicalities of plumbing and construction and you concern yourself with whether you prefer your shower to be contemporary or organic, rustic or glam, surrounded by lush green planting or in a minimalist enclosure.  Together we can create your serene space which, whilst providing practical solutions, can also induce relaxation and reflection.

Drift through the gallery below for examples of outdoor showers we have fitted recently all of which use solar power to heat water.

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